Maurino added some holiday themed elements. At various points during the day and night, you’ll hear some jingle bells. Look outside and you’ll see some nice big gift boxes. Go ahead and smash them to retrieve a set of presents. If you want, you can unwrap them, or you can save them up to trade in for a larger one.
Patch day is here, with lots of changes. The servers are wiping so the new dungeons can loom over the landscape. There’s also procgen changes, you can rebind keys, the Eoka has had a buff, reloading is much snappier, and lots more.
Check out that new gun! The M249 is in. Along with major changes to the pumpjack (it’s gone for now), some rifle nerfs, blueprint tweaks, building stability changes, and more.
No patch, but the first look at the M249, a gun so powerful it can only be obtained by destroying a chopper. There’s also the first look at the new human NPCs, a torch nerf, exploits crushed, building tweaks, and loads more.