admin wrote:
You were griefing. You locked a player inside his own building today.
Yesterday you did the same with another building, and complained in another thread, that other players have taken over your building. But what really happend was that you and your friend took over their building in the first place.
Griefing is not allowed on our servers!
Dear admin,
1) I didn’t find on your site how you interpret grief, so we will go to the site and read
Griffer (jarg., English griefer from grief "grief" ) - in computer games, the term refers to a player who spoils the gameplay for others without any benefit to himself and other players. Such behavior (griefing [ includes any means of upsetting other players, harassment and other actions. Griefing differs from the usual competition between players in that griefers receive only sadistic satisfaction by their actions. While robbing other players, we did not pursue the goal of sadistic satisfaction
2) I was killed by briann234, but why is my base empty? Only the foundations are left, and the braces that I hid in the ground near the house also disappeared, every one. It seems to me or MickeysDK in cahoots with briann234. MickeysDK says that he will ban us, brainn234 goes to pick up the loot, and after MickeysDK bans us and cleans our house through the team. Strange actions, coincidence hmm ... but I will say that these are just my thoughts ...
3) if you think that everything is fine and the ban was issued correctly, then why is NOSKILLSNOKILLS[DK] still playing calmly on the server?
when we took P19, the next day we found ourselves in a stone box from which we could not get out (is this griffing?) [Enotikus has already sent you all the evidence.]
We were behind an iron wall, the explosives were not unlocked, the iron wall is 8 c4, and lo and behold, when we went in and looked at the top, we saw NOSKILLSNOKILLS[DK] 8 used explosives, hmm ... it turns out MickeysDK covers the entire DK clan, helps his friends and closes his eyes on violations of their acquaintances?
(I advise you to take a closer look at his activities, and MickeysDK if you read this: “hello

offended, you act like, not a project administrator, but like a little girl)"
I demand to unban me and my friend, and edit the rules normally,
Or take sanctions against MickeysDK and block NOSKILLSNOKILLS[DK], because the rules should be the same for everyone!
P.S. If you're worried about your gunpowder being taken away, don't craft it. go build the farm or play "mother-daughter"