I swear, every Russian player of this game is a fucking piece of shit. ломка is griefing. Russians are shoot on sight, both in game and IRL. Fucking Russians.
ломка is griefing safe zones, bringing his own fuel and taking helicopters and then kamikaze-ing them and parachuting out. I climbed in so I could hopefully turn around and shoot him but he bailed out before I could. When I went back to retrieve my stuff, he tried to block access to my items laying on the ground. He also blasted Russian music over voice chat, following me around with the music.
Can we just have an auto-ban on players with Russian IP please? In every video game in existence, they're always shitty people. No need for them here.
Let's add to the list of him not speaking English or Scandinavian and constantly cursing other players in chat. I'd say it's just safest to ban to avoid future issues, this guy is definitely not here to play and have fun, but rather to annoy others and ruin their game experience. This goes beyond PvP into griefing and annoyance territory.
I agree, a lot of players from Russia play like bastards, they ruin everything, cheat, and shoot for no reason. But there are many bad players from other countries and good players from Russia who follow the rules and respect other people. When assessing a person, you cannot be guided only by the country of residence, this is discrimination.